Workshop on Statistical Inference Frequentist & Bayesian Estimation


Attended the week-long workshop on “Statistical Inference Frequentist & Bayesian Estimation” by Dr. Shahariar Huda.

Day 1 of Statistical Inference workshop1

Speaker: Prof Shahariar Huda Dr Huda todate is a Professor in Statistics and Operations Research department of Kuwait University. He previously was a professor in King Saud University, Riyadh, lecturer in ISRT, University of Dhaka, Visiting Lecturer in Stat-Math Division, ISI, Calcutta and a lecturer, in Garyounis University, Benghazi. His research interests include Experimental design, Applied Statistics and Biostatistics.

Academic background: Ph.D. and D.I.C. (Statistics) 1981, M.Sc. (Statistics) 1978, and B.Sc. (Hons) and A.R.C.S. (Mathematics) 1977 from Imperial College, University of London, U.K.

In 1971 he had joined Bangladesh army and fought bravely in the liberation war.

In Day 2

We had a 3 hour session that was quite interse for the mostly CSE students and RAs as the audience. We covered the exponential family of distributions, Factorization theorem, UMVU and UMV, Fisher’s Information Matrix, Cramer-Rao Lower bound, Rao-Blackwell theorem - the core of inference theory. We then moved on to MLE and it’s properties. More estimation methods to come in day 3.

Day 3: Statistical Inference workshop

Methods of moments, method of least squares for estimation Confidence intervals, it’s interpretation and moving on to Bayesian estimation

Day 4:

Workshop concludes today with Bayesian Analysis and Hypothesis Testing. It was a great learning opportunity thanks to Dr. Huda.










More information about the workshop here

  1. Descriptions of each day taken from ccds facebook page.