Seminar on Accelerating Innovation: Unleashing Machine Learning in Distributed Services


Attended the seminar under the title “Accelerating Innovation: Unleashing Machine Learning in Distributed Services” on April 18, 2024. The seminar was supervised and facilitated by: Sajib Mistry, PhD. Senior Lecturer, School of Elec Eng, Comp and Math Sci, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin University, Australia at Independent University Bangladesh, Digital Classroom. This presentation offered a deep dive into the research endeavours of the Curtin High-Performance Intelligent Systems (HIPS) group, specifically focusing on their expertise in micro-service architectures and distributed machine learning across a spectrum of industries and use cases. Additionally, sir discussed the evolving landscape of Computer Science research in Australia and explored the future potential collaboration prospects.

More information about the seminar here

Some photos from the event


