About me

Welcome to my homepage! I have recently (January, 2024) graduated from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Currently, I am working as a research assistant (RA), supervised by Dr. Amin Ahsan Ali and Dr. AKM Mahbubur Rahman at the Center for Computational & Data Sciences (CCDS), Independent University Bangladesh. My goal for the near future is to pursue a graduate degree in a domain that aligns with my research interests.

Research Interests

My primary interest is in the field of Reinforcement Learning. I also have a keen interest in multi-agent systems, embodied AI agents, and robot learning.
My undergraduate research, supervised by Dr. Md Mosaddek Khan, was in the domain Reinforcement Learning, more specifically, Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). I am currently working on three research projects with Riashat Islam for Reinforcement Learning, and with Md Mofijul Islam and Muntasir Wahed for Multi-modal learning and Agent-based planning.